
Saturday, December 18, 2010

7 Days Till Christmas!

Ok so I think I am still a day behind with this and I don't have any idea with how that happened; however I am hoping to fix it.....soon.

Day 19:

Wow it just hit me a few days ago that I have been out of college for over a year now. Man how time flies it feels like just yesterday I was drinking coffee like it was water trying to cram in as many hours of studying as I could around work and getting ready for Ryan to come home and to head off to Korea for 2 months. 

I know this is really not Christmas related; however last year I felt like that diploma was possible the best Christmas gift I have ever received.  I won't lie I am quite proud of myself managing to finish with my 4 year degree in only 3.5. I know both my parents are also quite proud of me; however without their love and support I could of never done it or become the person I am today.  Sadly at 23 years old I often find myself turning to them still looking for advice, support and sometimes just a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen.

Wendy who fought her way through Cost Acct and Managerial Econ with me and Lauren

Sadly I cannot even think about what to say about Lauren other than well she is Lauren out there, sweet, caring, smart,  and amazing with so much more.

So happy to be done and free!

Ryan showed up early from Korea for graduation and surprised me. Yes I know I am quite lucky.

My amazing little brother who I miss so very much.  Life without the constant jokes he makes is just not the same, and I cannot forget about those very thought out political comments that oddly I find to make so much sense.  We are more alike then I ever thought we could be.

The people who have helped me become the amazing woman I am today! And I would say so much more but would just sit here crying as I miss them so and am so thankful for them every day!

1 comment:

Chas said...

I hope you get to see some of your friends when you go home at Christmas time. I can't believe how fast time has gone by either! I'm glad I met in college and we are still friends!! :) I love technology because it helps us keep in touch even though we are far away!