
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Take Me To Singapore!

No really please take me back to Singapore! 

Last weekend Ryan and I went with our boss, two elementary school girls, and one middle school girl to Singapore.  We both instantly feel in love with Singapore and cannot wait to get back there ASAP. At the same time I won't lie I don't think I will ever go on another school trip again.  We both always thought that our bosses English was pretty good but little did we know this was one of the main reasons she needed a teacher who spoke English to on the trip with her, but it was not a big enough reason for her to pay for any teachers to go, so she was extremely happy when Ryan and I both stupidly said we would go.  Let's just say we now know why Jasmine Teacher almost peed her pants when she found out we were going to travel with our boss.  Our boss is a sweet enough woman however she had not put any thought into this trip, would just wonder away from the group, would just buy bags and bags of things then leave them by Ryan and I and walk away expecting us to carry them, and well more or less seemed to forget that the girls required food and water.  Sadly even though the two elementary girls were two of my favorites I cannot say that they were all to great either, and about every 5 minutes or so "Megan Teacher we are (hungry/hot/tired/thirsty/etc)" would come out of their mouth, they got extremely upset if Ryan and I went off and did our own thing (meaning there was no one for them to complain to or try to get to talk our boss into doing something different instead of what she had randomly just thought up at the moment, and sadly said the best part of the trip was the Thai food the first night (about 3 USD a plate) and are now asking me to cook Thai food for them.  The poor girls didn't know what they were getting themselves into and well I feel like they were a little bit ripped off.  But enough of that I know that no one comes here to read about all the annoying moments from the trip. 

I took some photos on the trip, sadly not as many as I had wanted to because we were trying to keep up with 4 different women who would all wonder out in 4 different ways.  Don't worry though I took just enough to fill up a few blogs.  I say blogs because my brain works in days and time frames so yes I was only gone a weekend but I will most likely do post based on the places we went or on the day.  Anyways because I am still fighting with Blogger and Photobucket I will do an over view, and well then if I never get back to this blog you will have something.

Lets see I will save all the dull travel information for the next blog.  We got there Friday night, ate some of the best Thai food I have ever had, found some cute shoes dirt cheep in a mall and then crashed out.  Saturday we went to China Town, ate at some famous toast restaurant (Ryan and I are both still confused about that) and then went over to Sentosa, enjoyed some beers on the beach as the girls explore an aquarium and our boss wondered off to do her own thing, got caught in a rain storm, headed back and called it a night early.  Sunday we went to the Singapore Zoo for breakfast with the animals (only my favorite  and I mean FAVORITE part of the trip), then took a boat ride, split off from the girls as they headed to a museum, had some nachos and beer for lunch, wondered around The Marina Bay Sands, tried our luck at the 2 cent slots and then headed off to the Singapore Flyer before meeting back up with the group to get them to the airport for our 11:50 flight out (yep the red eye).  We popped back up in Korea at 7 am, grabbed our bags and headed home to get a few hours of sleep before we had to head in to work. 

Ok well there was really so much more than that but for now this will have to do!  I hope to use photos in the upcoming blogs to make up for my lack of writing skill, or for my need to over write sometimes and just go on and on and on. 

Over all I just need to say once more (well for today anyways) that Singapore was amazing and that the only thing that could of made the trip better would of been spending the time with my parents.  After a trip to the beach last summer and then having them come visiting last September Ryan also agrees with that thought and is looking forward to getting home this summer and spending some time with everyone.

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