So you would think seeing as how I haven't blogged in forever, or done a "Hey, It's Okay" that I would have a lot to say......sadly that's not the case, but hey that's ok! Linking up with Amber tonight over at Airing My Dirty Laundry One Sock at a Time

Hey It's Okay:
To have tossed a whole cup (plastic mind you) of water at the cat after he chased me down the dark hallway to bite my feet the other night. We have a love/hate relationship, I would miss him so much if he wasn't here. Side note there was also all kinds of tape sticky side up on the kitchen counters in hopes to keep his little kitty paw prints off of them!
To be able to figure out how the killer killed the victim on Whodunit each week but have no clue who did it....really how are they guessing who is the killer? Am I missing clues?
To really not be any good at meal planning but I'm working on it....I keep planning meals for food we don't have, and when it comes to using things I do have it get like a mental block. Sadly I don't think that is the point of meal planning.
To need a lot more practice when it comes to driving the boat. After taking it out to work on my driving skills this past Sunday Ryan backed the truck down and figured I could just drive up on it, not the case he ended up just pushing it up onto the boat trailer. I would say he was not amused to say the least.
To not be a huge fan of living in an apartment, I mean I LOVE my apartment, but the whole being able to hear everything everyone is saying or doing is really not cool because that means they can hear me. Also the lady next door has a supper annoying dog that barks nonstop whenever she isn't home, best part being is she leaves sometime before I get home most nights from work and doesn't get in till 2AM or later......yea.
To be loving these afternoon thunderstorms we have been getting, unless I am caught out in one....then they stink because I get all freaked out and worried, and I might even cry a little if it is really bad.
To think that the Amish Mafia show is scripted....I mean really who says some of this stuff?

To be thankful that Tuesday is almost over! Don't get me wrong it is a great day of the week but this week has already been crazy and I am ready for a nice sunny weekend again!
So for now I will leave you with that! I hope you are having a great Tuesday!
P.S. Here is a photo of Mr. Kitty to prove that I am a sweet, loving, caring cat mom, who cuddles with my little fuzzy butt.

I think the Amish Mafia show is scripted too! Amish aren't supposed to be on camera and then their going to show their "secret Mafia" on camera? Um, no. And I am the same way with both meal planning and thunder storms. I love the storms when I'm home. I'm working on the meal planning now that I have kids.
[From The Miller Life]
Oh for sure, most "reality" show today is scripted or set up unfortunately.
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