
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Hey ya'll! I hope you had a great Christmas!

I got to spend mine with Ryan and my family.  To me a day like today is still one of the best gifts in the world because I know one day something will happen and one of us won't be able to make it home for the holidays. 

I know I haven't blogged much lately due to being busy with work, and well just lack of holiday jollyness (is that a word?) I guess.  Thanks to life Christmas this year was just kind of hard to pep up for, but my family and Ryan are all so amazing that today was truly great.  We spent time together, made memories, exchanged gifts, laughed and smiled.  It just goes to show me that even with everything that happened this past month, or even this year we could all still be happy to just spend the day together, we could all take a few minutes to stop and think of something to give each other, and that life was not going to stop us from enjoying this amazing holiday together. 

I could go on and on but due to a busy week at work my brain is a little jumbled and I am not even sure this all makes sense right now.    So for now this will just have to be it, hopefully this week I can get back in to the swing of life, blogging, working out, reading, and maybe even catch up on all the Christmas movies I missed this December. 

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