To have gone to bed last night at 9 thanks to a sinus infection.
To be really happy to hear about who won the Biggest Loser, the winner deserved it!
To wonder where spring went, I swear it was just here this past weekend.
To NOT be canceling my Carnival Cruse that is coming up in a few weeks. Really the ship we are going on had problems and now is getting fixed. Really? This is bad how? In my mind everything will be fixed before I leave and it didn't happen on my trip, sorry it had to happen to some other poor souls though.
To have found out that my cat does not like to be held upside down, nor does it like it when I try to help him wipe his butt....really I thought it was poop Mr. Kitty sorry I now understand that those are just strange dots on your butt and it will never happen again. Thank you for being so understanding and not attacking me like Ryan though you would.
To have 2 names for your cat...sorry Firestone and Mr. Kitty are one in the same. I guess you could say maybe he is Mr. Firestone Kitty??
To wonder what is going on with TLC lately. Really they are called "The Learning Channel" yet have you seen some of their current shows? What is it that I am learning from "Gipsy Sisters"?
To have had more to say but my brain is only firing on half its cylinders.
Hope you are having a great Tuesday. Go Link Up and share what is ok for you this week.
I watched the Gypsy wedding something or another. I couldn't take it.
Hope you have good time on cruise!
Cats are so weird sometimes. If you put Xena in the bath she goes crazy, but you turn on the sink she wants to drink. Henry doesn't like when I try to wash him either...he always scratches me too.
Your cruise ship will NOT break down. I'm crossing my fingers and toes!
I haven't watched TLC in a long time but, I can see how its turning into more reality TV. I did watch What Not to Wear, always got angry at Toddlers and Tiara's, and still don't get the shows with sooo many children.
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