Today this handsome lad turns 23!

That would be my little brother, Chris, who will kill me if he ever knows I shared this photo from last Christmas. Really though I think this photo sums up a good bit about his fun loving personality.
And because I know for a fact that he does not read this blog I want to take a moment to brag on how great he is! For starters we are alike yet very different, so we get along but not all the time. He is a go getter and I am a little more of a floater, you know life comes as it does and all that jazz. He sometimes just likes to push my buttons and pick the opposite side just to see if he can get me rattled. He is brother and does what brothers do I guess.....I wouldn't change him thought because every now and then we all need a bit of sibling rivalry.
In order to keep this short and sweet I'm going to list off the reason I like to brag about this young man:
1. He graduated with a degree in Business Administration, and a minor in German this past year with honors.
2. He has made some of his biggest goals come true when he completed an internship with BMW in German and then came back to work for them here in the states doing something I don't fully understand....something about parts....and procurement.....I just nod and smile when he talks about work.
3. He runs, bikes, lifts weight, and takes pride in himself. He is quite a confidante young man....sometimes very confident.
4. He plays the guitar in the Praise Band at Church every Sunday morning. Really he is quite amazing when it comes to music and can play all kinds of instruments.
I could go on and on about this kid but all in all he rounds out our family and I am very thankful to have him as a little brother! I know he is my younger brother but there are still many things I look up to him for now that we are older.
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