That I ate an fudge bar after I workout last night....if it makes it any better it was only a 100 Cal bar, and only added up to 2WW points.....and I am pretty sure I had some points left.....I think.
That I am dragging this week. Who knew one day off would make me want a whole week off? I mean what is 4 more days? Humm can't do that? Well then can I at least have Friday off?
That I am so excited that Dexter is back on, and super sad that they are saying this is going to be the last season of it. What?? I don't understand how they can even think of ending the show!
That it doesn't seem to be doing the wash that is such a problem for me as much as the putting it away.....
That I am sick of hearing about Paula Dean. I know what she said (30 some years ago) was wrong, I know she has done all kinds of crappy things in her life (ie lied about losing weight without help), and I know that there are bits and pieces of this story missing but really ya'll lets move on to something important. She is sorry and paying for it.
That Ryan wants to see "The Conjuring" however I don't do scary movies.....so I refuse to go. I mean I like my sleep more than I like to be huddled in the corner under a dirty laundry (hello ghost know what is up with the blanket thing these days and are no longer fooled) with the cat hiding.....
That apparently I am so cool now that people feel the need to copy me....no matter what I say or do a girl at work is doing the same thing the next day....I keep waiting for her to chop her hair off now.....
That I had a list of things for this post and have now miss placed it, so hey it's okay to have a short post!
Hope you're having a great Tuesday! I am so ready for tomorrow to fly by! Go link up with Amber and share what's ok with you today.
1 comment:
I so want to see The Conjuring too! I'll probably be so freaked out though.
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